Noise & Vibration Monitoring Projects


AGI has performed long term (annual) continuous Noise and Vibration (NV) monitoring programs/plans for large scale construction projects within the western United States.  A partial list of the most recent Projects follows:


CDOT Eagle
CDOT Colorado Springs

CDOT Boulder Hwy 7

TRC/LA Metro Purple Line Extension
Picerne Group Jazz Semiconductor

TRI Property Management
Cedar’s Sinai Medical Center

Wilshire Vermont Housing Partners, L.P.



SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DRILLING(ongoing):  AGI performed remote noise monitoring at numerous Southern California locations for construction and drilling-related projects.  Each noise monitoring system continuously measures the noise from operations 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to enforce the noise ordinance.  Data is downloaded weekly and summarized into reports for submittal to the local municipality. At one of the Southern California Drilling Sites, noise level thresholds were established from baseline monitoring and the noise ordinance to monitor and alert operators of excessive noise levels.  The alert system is configured to notify key personnel by email and text when exceedances are encountered.

MORMON ISLAND AUXILIARY DAM:  AGI performed long-term continuous noise monitoring at two noise sensitive locations for the duration of the heavy civil earth construction project.  Each noise monitoring system continuously measures the noise from operations 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to enforce the noise ordinance.  Data was downloaded weekly and summarized into reports for submittal to the local municipality. The heavy civil earth construction project included clearing and grubbing, development of water control and erosion measures, and excavation of existing embankments.

BUREAU OF RECLAMATION MIAD CONSTRUCTION:  AGI provided continuous noise monitoring for the Bureau of Reclamation MIAD project in Folsom, CA.  AGI permanent noise monitors are installed at key residential locations to measure noise created from daytime and nighttime construction operations.  The measurement data is downloaded and processed for mitigation monitoring, impact assessment, and weekly reports for the lead agency.  AGI’s noise control plan was prepared to assist the contractor in meeting the noise limits for the project.

PORTLAND TRIMET LIGHT RAIL CONSTRUCTION:  AGI provided continuous noise and video monitoring for the City of Milwaukie Police Department in support of the TRIMET Construction Project.  The noise from construction operations is monitored 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to enforce the noise ordinance and construction operations.  Where exceedances or complaints are recorded, the operations are investigated and citations are issued or noise control measures are developed for minimizing construction noise effects on residences.

TOWERJAZZ (on-going):  Continuous vibration monitoring is currently being performed for 2 years at the Tower Jazz construction project in Newport Beach, CA.  AGI seismographs are monitoring the groundborne vibration at 6 locations in the existing micro-electronics facility to warn operators of potentially disruptive vibration levels from adjacent demolition and construction operations.  Vibration thresholds were established from baseline monitoring and a monitoring plan was developed to monitor and alert operators of excessive vibration levels.  The alert system is configured to notify key personnel by email and text when exceedances are encountered.