Railroad Noise Projects

AGI staff has prepared numerous studies involving railroad noise for developers and public agencies.  Studies have been prepared throughout the United States and a partial list of Projects follows:


LA METRO PURPLE LINE EXTENSION NOISE MONITORING PROJECT, BEVERLY HILLS, CA:  AGI provided noise monitoring for TRC in support of the LA Metro Purple Line Extension Project. The noise from construction operations was monitored at 6 noise sensitive locations to enforce the noise ordinance and construction operations.  Where exceedances or complaints are recorded, the operations were halted and investigated and/or noise control measures are developed for minimizing construction noise.


TRIMET LIGHTRAIL CONSTRUCTION NOISE MONITORING PROJECT, MILWAUKIE, OR:  AGI provided continuous noise monitoring for the City of Milwaukie Police Department in support of the TRIMET Construction Project.  The noise from construction operations is monitored 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to enforce the noise ordinance and construction operations.  Where exceedances or complaints are recorded, the operations are investigated and citations are issued or noise control measures are developed for minimizing construction noise effects on residences.


ICTF EXPANSION NOISE STUDY: AGI staff conducted a noise study for the ICTF Expansion Project to evaluate the noise impact from future project components.  The study focused on establishing baseline noise conditions and evaluating the future noise from increased yard tractors, container movement, on-site trucks, construction, and rail activity. As a result of the study, a noise barrier was recommended to minimize the impact of noise increases on the adjacent residential neighborhood located directly east of the project site.


SAN MARCOS NCTD LIGHT RAIL NOISE STUDY:  AGI staff conducted a noise study for the City of San Marcos Public Works Department to address the noise impact of the NCTD Light Rail Project on noise sensitive residential receptors within the City. The study evaluated the findings of the NCTD EIR and compared the results with modeled analyses specific to the City’s Residential Receptors. Noise impacts from an alternative grade crossing were also evaluated as part of this study. Soundwalls and administrative noise control measures were recommended in a report to reduce the impact at the residences located nearest the study segment.


UPRR/METROLINK BY-PASS:  AGI staff conducted a rail noise impact analyses for the UPRR By-Pass Project in Pomona. The study evaluated the noise impact associated with a proposed Metrolink by-pass to alleviate traffic on the main UPRR line. The future CNEL from rail operations based on two alternative track configurations were analyzed and assessed with respect to the FTA noise guidelines for sensitive receptors. The analyses and noise control alternatives recommended to reduce rail noise impacts at nearby sensitive residential receptors were summarized in a final report to HDR.


LA BREA SHAFT METROLINK ACCESS SITE: A noise and vibration monitoring and reporting plan was prepared by AGI staff for the reconstruction of the La Brea Metrolink Access Site.  Metrorail construction created high noise and vibration levels that were intrusive upon the sensitive residential and church uses that bordered the access site. The vibration and noise monitoring program specified daily measurements at the nearest residential receptors to the project site. Whenever exceedances were observed, the resident engineer was notified, and mitigation measures were applied to reduce the noise and vibration. If the exceedances were not reduced, then the project halted until more effective measures could be enacted to minimize the noise and vibration. A weekly report was prepared to summarize the results of the monitoring and mitigation actions taken. Each report was submitted to the MTA for review and ultimate approval. The development and execution of the monitoring and reporting program allowed construction to be completed on time and the interference onto the community to be minimized.


NORTH HOLLYWOOD METROLINK STATION:  AGI staff prepared noise and vibration monitoring plans and studies for the construction of the North Hollywood Metrolink Station. Metrorail construction created high vibration and noise levels that were intrusive upon the sensitive residential uses that bordered the project site. A vibration and noise monitoring program was created to measure and report vibration and noise levels at the nearest residential receptors to the project site. Weekly monitoring was performed to evaluate the measured vibration and noise. When needed, mitigation measures were recommended to reduce the amount of noise and vibration. A weekly report was prepared and submitted to the MTA for review.