Vibration Projects

AGI staff has prepared vibration studies for developers, public agencies, homeowners, legal groups, and commercial property owners.  Studies have been prepared throughout the United States, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, and Middle East.  A partial list of the most recent Projects follows:


IRE Development Cross Fit Vibration
Irvine Co – UTC Server Room Vibration

IBD Transformer Vibration
OXY La Habra

T-12 Hotel Construction Vibration
Klein Financial Construction Vibration

Nancy’s Pizza Mechanical Vibration
Al’s Beef Mechanical Vibration

2211 Transformer Vibration
Power One Transformer Vibration

Advanced Contractors HVAC Vibration
Jazz Vibration Monitoring

True Investments Machine Vibration
JWL Facility Vibration

RH Factor Foley Studio Vibration
Cedar’s Sinai Medical Center

Wilshire Vermont Housing Partners, L.P.



TOWER JAZZ SEMICONDUCTOR/UPTOWN NEWPORT, FORT COLLINS, CO:  AGI is providing continuous vibration monitoring for at Tower Jazz Semiconductor, Inc. in support of the Uptown Newport Construction Project.  AGI is providing continuous vibration monitoring throughout the span of the project to measure, report, and provide exceedance alerts regarding groundborne vibration at Tower Jazz Semiconductor, Inc..  The exceedance alerts were relayed to construction crews to minimize impacts at the vibration sensitive Tower Jazz operations.


CDOT MASON CORRIDOR PROJECT, FORT COLLINS, CO:  AGI is providing continuous vibration monitoring for the Colorado Department of Transportation in support of the Mason Corridor Project.  AGI is providing continuous vibration monitoring throughout the span of the project to measure and report groundborne vibration at vibration sensitive locations.  The data is part of the mitigation monitoring program to oversee construction of the traffic corridor bisecting the city.


CDOT HIGHWAY 7 PROJECT, BOULDER, CO:  AGI is providing continuous vibration monitoring for the Colorado Department of Transportation in support of the Highway 7 Realignment Project.  AGI has a series of fixed vibration monitors installed in remote locations to continuously measure and report groundborne vibration at vibration sensitive locations.  The data is essential to minimizing vibration impacts on residential locations in proximity to the construction operation.


CDOT EAGLE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, EAGLE, CO:  AGI provided continuous vibration monitoring for the Colorado Department of Transportation in support of the Eagle Bridge Replacement Project.  AGI vibration monitors continuously measured groundborne vibration at vibration sensitive locations during the construction process.  The data was relayed to construction crews to minimize vibration impacts on nearby residences and supported legal documentation for the agency.


MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISION SERRANO SUB-STATION, CITY OF ORANGE:   AGI staff conducted FFT vibration measurements of high voltage transformers in the Serrano Sub-station. The survey was conducted because SCE engineers suspected that a transformer was generating excessive vibration. Two transformers for surveyed for vertical and horizontal vibration during a controlled voltage test. The vibration velocity was measured for each transformer simultaneously and individually to rule out interference from the adjacent equipment.


WDI REGARDING ODETICS ELECTRONICS FACILITY, ANAHEIM: AGI staff conducted a long-term vibration monitoring effort at the WDI facility located adjacent to the Odetics Electronics Facility in Anaheim, California. Heavy truck and bus movements along the access road were a source of interference with the daily operations of vibration sensitive equipment within the clean room and machining facility. The long term monitoring was supplemented by field technicians who documented the time and event traffic to correlate events with measurement data. Data analysis indicated that heavy buses and delivery trucks would cause high vibration levels to be experienced at the electronics facility. A vibration monitoring plan and construction mitigation plan was developed to minimize the impact on the Odetics facility and to allow for construction at the WDI facility.


USFDA VIBRATION SITING STUDY:  AGI staff conducted vibration and noise measurements at a proposed USFDA facility that would house vibration sensitive lasers.  The baseline vibration data has assessed with respect to a range of potential equipment tolerances to develop a design criteria for vibration isolation.  Items discussed in the report included vibration isolation of the structure and equipment table.


SUPER CONDUCTING SUPER COLLIDER NOISE AND VIBRATION STUDY:  AGI staff prepared a noise and vibration technical study to evaluate existing noise and vibration conditions at the project site in Waxahachie, TX.  Noise and Vibration monitoring was conducted over a 3-month period to assist in the siting and design of the proposed facilities.  A technical study was prepared which summarized the results of the monitoring and recommended direction for minimizing construction and design impacts from the project.


LOS ANGELES MTA RED LINE CO352 NOISE AND VIBRATION STUDIES, LOS ANGELES:  AGI staff conducted vibration and noise measurements at the project site for Mallcraft Inc. The monitoring was part of Noise Control and Monitoring Plan for the CO352 Project Site. Impact analysis and assessment was conducted with respect to the MTA’s noise and vibration standards. Mitigation measures were recommended in a weekly report to reduce all impacts.


LOS ANGELES MTA RED LINE CO390 NOISE AND VIBRATION STUDIES, LOS ANGELES:  AGI staff provided noise and vibration consultant services for the CO390 Project Site. A Noise Control and Monitoring Plan was prepared for Steiny and Company to implement noise and vibration impact analysis and assessment procedures with respect to the MTA’s noise and vibration standards.


WDI VIBRATION STUDY, ANAHEIM:  A vibration technical study was prepared to evaluate existing vibration impacts associated with construction of a parking lot and access road located adjacent to a high tech electronics manufacturer. Long-term vibration measurements were conducted to monitor the vibration during construction and reduction measures were recommended to minimize the impact during construction. A technical study was prepared which summarized the results of the monitoring and recommended direction for minimizing construction impacts to adjacent sensitive receptors.


LOS FELIZ SCHOOL NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTINUOUS MONITORING STUDY, LOS ANGELES:  AGI staff participated in the installation and maintenance of long term (3+ years), continuous noise and vibration monitoring systems both inside and outside an elementary school across from the Metro Red Line B 251 construction yard. A remote noise and vibration monitoring system was setup to monitor construction noise and vibration activities.


VIBRATION IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF HARBOR FREEWAY TRANSITWAY NORTHERN TERMINUS, LOS ANGELES:  The focus of the study was to document the maximum earthborne vibrations for Orthopaedic Hospital and for Saint John’s Episcopal Church that is caused by truck pass-bys along I-110. The results of this study were used to develop the construction vibration monitoring criteria for the construction of the I-110 transitway. At Orthopaedic Hospital, a number of electron microscopes are installed and used for various laboratory and research studies. According to the information provided by Orthopaedic Hospital, the floor on which the microscope is standing should be as free from vibrations as possible. Saint John’s Church is an historic building and high levels of vibration could possibly cause building damage. Vibration measurements for the Orthopaedic Hospital were conducted at the shoulder of I-110, at a distance of approximately 3 m (10 feet) from the edge of the traveled way, near the main building in a garden bed, on the floor of the room that housed an electron microscope on the specimen chamber of the electron microscope, and inside a surgery room. Vibration monitoring for the Saint John’s Church was conducted at the shoulder of I-110, at the corner of the church main building, and on the raised church floor in front of the altar.


CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL BASELINE AND CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION STUDY, LOS ANGELES:  Vibration measurements were conducted in the neonatal care facility at the hospital to help establish a baseline criterion for this sensitive infant treatment area. In order to determine how close various pieces of heavy construction equipment related to the Metro Rail Construction could operate next to the hospital, ground vibration transfer measurements were conducted while simultaneously measuring both inside and outside the hospital. The data was used to re establish construction equipment limits.