Aircraft Noise
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EA, EIS, EIR)
- Land Use Studies (AICUZ, ICUZ, Part 150, Master Plans)
- Predictive Computer Modeling (AEDT, INM, NoiseMap, HNM, etc.)
- Noise Insulation Studies
- Airport Noise Monitoring System Evaluations
- Base Closure/Re-Use/Realignment Studies
- Test Stand Evaluations
- Heliport Analyses
AGI’s acoustical consultants have extensive experience evaluating the effects of aircraft noise and its associated problems on surrounding communities at several commercial and military facilities. AGI consultants have previously provided consulting services to airport and heliport operators, government agencies, and a number of aviation planners in the areas of aircraft noise evaluation, environmental studies, and land use planning. The impact of aircraft noise on surrounding communities is evaluated in a timely and economical manner utilizing noise survey data, flight and aircraft operations information, and our professional teams knowledge of current aircraft noise rating techniques including sound exposure level (SEL), day-night noise level (Ldn), and community noise equivalent level (CNEL). These services are available for projects involving noise modeling studies, master plan updates, new site selection, expansion alternatives analysis, AICUZ, Part 150, and land use studies.
AGI’s professional staff effectively utilizes their research modeling resources in preparing airport environmental assessments and compatible airport vicinity land use plans. AGI’s staff has extensive experience in airport noise monitoring, computer modeling environmental assessment of airport expansion programs, and heliport/helistop citing duties.