Noise & Vibration Monitoring
- Short-Term and Continuous Noise/Vibration Monitoring
- Develop Noise/Vibration Monitoring and Mitigation Plans
- Noise/Vibration Instantaneous Alert Notifications
- Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Reporting
AGI’s technical services include noise and vibration short-term and long-term continuous noise and vibration monitoring. Noise and Vibration monitoring can ensure that all statutory noise and vibration requirements, standards, and policies are met. With instantaneous alerts, audio recording, and an effective response system, noise and vibration monitoring can help manage and minimize the impact of construction noise. Methods for reducing construction noise/vibration, including the use of less intrusive equipment, scheduling, and construction methodology are recommended wherever their effectiveness and practicality are feasible. AGI staff also provide support to community involvement programs that facilitates the identification of noise/vibration concerns at an early stage in the project and enhance the acceptability of proposed mitigation measures.
Noise and Vibration Monitoring Projects