Railroad Noise
- Freight, Light-Rail, and Subway Noise Studies
- Ambient Noise Monitoring
- At Grade Crossing Noise Studies
- Legal Support – Deposition & Expert Testimony
- Noise & Vibration Mitigation Recommendations
- Predictive Modeling Using FTA/FRA and Schall Methodologies
- Soundwall Analyses
- Public Hearing/Workshop Support
Noise and vibration studies are among the technical services provided by AGI for the design and construction of rail lines and rail terminals. The prediction of excessive noise levels and their results are used to recommend noise and vibration mitigation measurements during the design process. Methods for reducing construction noise, such as the use of less intrusive equipment and the benefits of topography are frequently recommended where feasibly effective and practical. AGI staff also provides support to community involvement programs that facilitates the identification of noise concerns at an early stage in the project and enhance the acceptability of proposed mitigation measures.