Traffic Sound & Noise
- Ambient Traffic Noise Monitoring and Traffic Noise Studies
- Legal Support – Deposition and Expert Testimony
- Noise & Vibration Mitigation Recommendations
- Pavement Noise Reduction
- Predictive Modeling Using FHWA’s TNM
- Public Hearing/Workshop Support
- Soundwall Analyses & Design
Vehicular noise from automobiles and truck traffic are ever increasing. AGI’s staff is well versed in the process of noise control. We are experts in traffic sound and noise analysis, modeling, community interface, noise abatement design.
Federal and state transportation noise models have been developed and modified to predict the effect of noise on neighboring communities. AGI staff members have extensive experience with these models and can assist designers of transportation systems, including highways, rapid transit terminals, and automotive tunnels, in minimizing the affect of future traffic noise levels. AGI’s staff utilizes the latest version of the Federal Highway Administration’s Traffic Noise Model (TNM) as well as other in house models for predictive analyses. In conjunction with traffic flow rates, vehicular speed, vehicle percentage mix, roadway geometry, natural sound barriers, and other significant sound inputs, this library of computer programs is used to provide predictions of highway-generated noise at sensitive receptors in the project area. AGI can also generate noise contours to show noise levels in communities adjacent to roadways. Contours can also be used to determine environmental noise. The combination of these tools and resources provide for effective, timely, and economical completion of surface transportation noise projects.